
I am a second year BME Ph.D. student at Yale University, advised by Prof. Nicha C. Dvornek. I am also actively collaborating with Prof. John Onofrey. Before that, I got my Bachelor's degree in CS at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, advised by Prof. Andrew Owens, and another Bachelor's degree in ECE at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

My research interest lies in the computer vision, multi-modality learning, and medical image analysis. I am always thrilled to work on the questions that address real-world needs.

I am also honor to serve as a reviewer in top-tier conferences, including CVPR and MICCAI.



Jun 2024
One first author paper "CLEFT: Language-Image Contrastive Learning with Efficient Large Language Model and Prompt Fine-Tuning" is accepted by MICCAI 2024! I will be presenting this paper in person at Marrakesh!
Feb 2024
One first author paper "SIFT-DBT: Self-supervised Initialization and Fine-Tuning for Imbalanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Image Classification" and one another paper accepted by ISBI 2024! See you in Athens!
Jun 2023
I'll join Nicha's Group as a Ph.D. student from next semester and working on DBT data and Breast cancer.
Feb 2023
Our new work "Conditional Generation of Audio from Video via Foley Analogies" with Andrew is accepted by CVPR 2023!
Jan 2023
Our work "RetCCL: Clustering-guided contrastive learning for whole-slide image retrieval" is now available on Medical Image Analysis (IF=10.9)!
Jan 2023
I will rotate at Prof. John Onofrey's lab this semester and working on rotational invariant feature extractor!
Sept 2022
I will join Yale University as a Ph.D. student major in BME!

Work Experience

Tencent AI Lab - AI Healthcare Group
Dr. Xiao Han, M.Sc Sen Yang
Algorithm R&D Intern. Work on pathological image selfsupervised representation learning and fast Whole-Slide Image(WSI) search system.


CLEFT: Language-Image Contrastive Learning with Efficient Large Language Model and Prompt Fine-Tuning
Yuexi Du, Brian Chang, Nicha C. Dvornek
(arXiv version is coming soon...)
SIFT-DBT: Self-supervised Initialization and Fine-Tuning for Imbalanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Image Classification
Yuexi Du, Regina J Hooley, John Lewin, Nicha C. Dvornek
Conditional Generation of Audio from Video via Foley Analogies
CVPR 2023
RetCCL: Clustering-guided contrastive learning for whole-slide image retrieval
Medical Image Analysis (IF=10.9)
Xiyue Wang, Yuexi Du, Sen Yang, Jun Zhang, Minghui Wang, Jing Zhang, Wei Yang, Junzhou Huang, Xiao Han

Selected Projects

Controlled and Self-supervised Diffusion MRI Denoising via Generative Diffusion
CPSC 586 Probabilistic Machine Learning Final Project
Yuexi Du
COLOR-VAE: Generative Colorization with Variational Auto-encoder
EECS 442 Computer Vision Final Project (Rank #1)
Yuexi Du, Muchen Xu, Yuang Zhang, Zhanhui Zhou, Chenshu Zhu


ENAS 912
Biomedical Image Processing and Analysis. Teaching Fellow. Winter 2023 at Yale. With James Duncan and Lawrence Staib
EECS 442
Computer Vision. Instructor aide. Spring 2022 at UM. With David Fouhey
VR 246
Introduction to Comics & Visual Art. Teaching Assistant. Spring 2021 at SJTU UMJI. With Jeolle Tybon
VE 101
Introduction to Computer & Programming. Teaching Assistant. Winter 2020 at SJTU UMJI. With Jigang Wu